The Kempton Park Amateur Radio Technical Society was founded by Kevin McDonald ex ZR6KMD (now ZS6KMD) in 2005. The first club meeting was exactly a year later at the Bell Tower in Kempton Park. At that point in time 10 radio amateurs joined the club. The first 2005 / 2006 committee consisted of Chairman Kevin ZS6KMD, Vice Chairman / Digital communications / Treasurer Hannes ZS6LW, Technical Vivian ZS6VD, Secretary Paul ZS6PJC.
The idea behind forming Kempton Park Amateur Radio Technical Society was to assist radio hams in and around Kempton Park with radio related issues. In addition there was also the building of antennas and help with technical problems. The Technical team lead by Vivian ZS6VD & Hannes (ZS6LW) constantly took on projects. One of these projects was the building of 80m am / CW receivers, another is the training of potential radio amateurs and assisting newbie’s to find their feet in the hobby. If you would like to be part of this team, do not hesitate to contact the committee.
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