Paul Cornelius November 2021
It is with deep regret that we announce that the key of Paul Cornelius, ZS6PJC went silent on Wednesday 17 November after a short illness. Paul aged 74, was one of the original founding members of KARTS and a honorary life member of KARTS. He often assisted as technical lecturer for the RAE training courses. We extend our condolences to his wife Linette, ZS6BCW, family and friends.
Theo van Wijk July 2021
The key of Theo van Wijk ZS6BDF went silent on the morning of 19 July 2021. Theo was a honorary life member of KARTS and was a member of the old Kempton club. We extend our sincere condolences to Beulah ZS6BDX family and friends.
Mary Harding ZS6AKR January 2019
It is with deep regret that we announce that the key of Mary Harding ZS6AKR went silent this morning. We extend our sincere condolences to John ZS6JRH, the children, grand children and extended family and friends of Mary. Mary was a Honorary Life member of KARTS and will be greatly missed by all that knew
Ray Steedman ZS6QM May 2015
It is with regret and great sadness that we have to announce that the key of
OM Ray become silent recently.
Ray was liked by everyone and was a Honourable member of the club serving as the club Sheriff. Rest in peace dear friend.
Ian Leonard ZS6TUB October 2014
It is with regret and great sadness that we have to announce that the key of
OM Ian Leonard ZS6TUB become silent recently.
Ian joined KARTS in 2013 and was part of the technical team that got the 60m beacon commissioned. He was a technical orientated person, with great technical skills.
Ronnie Grobler ZS6RLG – 13 Feb 2013
Did his RAE through KARTS, owned his own Battery shop servicing the Aviation Industry.
Passed on after a short illness.
Tony Croxford ZS6BMM
A keen CW Keyer, joined the club in 2012, Tony enjoyed our Club Meetings and feeling part of our club.
Tony will be missed by all who new him.
Alfred Staegemann ZS6ATN – 21 Jan 2009
Alfred was a member of the original KATS club in the early years.
I met Alfred when I’d just got my ZU licence in 2008, we developed a great friendship and it was with great sadness that I had to come to terms with his passing just a year later.
Alfreds memory lives on as his tower, rotator & Beam were bought over by the club and the tower will stand as remembrance of Alfred and his contribution to Amateur Radio and our club.
Eddie Smuts ZS6BZN – 2008
Eddie was a member of the old Kempton club and joined KARTS.
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