We always welcome new members to join our club!
You do not have to be a radio amateur to join KARTS, but we do encourage and assist non-radio amateurs to write & pass the Radio Amateurs Exam (RAE) and get their their license.
If you wish to join KARTS, please download the Membership Application Form, fill it in and return it to the Club Secretary, alternatively you can fill in the member request form below and one of our members will contact you.
Membership of KARTS requires payment of an annual subscription fee (details on Application form).
The benefits of club membership include:
- Access to a growing and friendly fellowship (and technical expertise) of like-minded radio enthusiasts.
- Attendance and involvement in all KARTS meetings, lectures, excursions, radio “skeds”, bulletins, field days, equipment “car boot” sales and other club activities.
- The right to vote for committee members and chairperson at the AGM.
Membership Request
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